PaPI v. 1.4 =============== Plugin based Process Interaction Introduction ------------ PaPI is a tool to interact with real-time targets or sources for measured data. It provides a plugin-based framework that allows to read streaming data form targets and allows to set parameters. Several plugins for data visualization (plots, bars, meters, html-animations ...) as well as GUI-elements for entering parameters (textfields, sliders, ...). User customized plugins can be easily created using a given Python-API. Opening and closing of all GUI-elements can be controlled by real-time target programs and hence it is possible to implement GUI-logic using state-machines inside the target programs. Have a look at to get an impression of what is currently possible. PaPI spans across several processes to benefit form multi-core systems. Installation ------------ Basic installation on Ubuntu 14.04 64Bit, using python 3.4 ``sudo apt-get install git`` ``sudo apt-get install python3.4 python3-numpy python3-pip`` ``sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5`` ``sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit`` (just needed for the HTMLViewer plugin) [optional] ``sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5.qtsvg`` (just needed for the export feature of the Plot plugin) [optional] ``sudo pip3 install socketio_client==0.6.5`` (required for ORTD_UDP) [optional] ``git clone PaPI`` ``cd PaPI`` ``python3.4`` Tip: If python3.4 interpreter cannot find or locate the installed packages (PyQt5 or numpy), please make sure that the right python interpreter is called (in case there are multiple installed). Start PaPI -------------------------------------------- You can either start PaPI by calling the with a python interpreter or you can start PaPI by using the bash script. In addition, PaPI can be installed as a symlink to your device. ``cd PaPI`` ``sudo make install`` For both start methods, command line switches and arguments are available. ``-f``: Starts PaPI in full screen mode. ``-r``: Starts PaPI with activated run mode. ``-v``: Displays the version of PaPI. ``-h``: Displays a help message. ``-c``: Start PaPI with the given configuration(PaPI loads arg-cfg after start). ``-u``: Specify another user config. Real-time target systems currently supported -------------------------------------------- * * Simulink Examples for both Frameworks are contained within: A demo video that shows how graphical interfaces you create using PaPI may look like: Contribution ------------ To get started, sign the Contributor License Agreement. Documentation ------------- Sphinx doc on GitHub: The provide makefile is used to build the documentation by using this simple command ``make html`` The documentation can be found in `docs/_build/html/`. Embedded Packages ----------------- Yapsy 1.10.423 published under BSD-License, pyqtgraph-0.9.11 [unreleased] published under MIT-License JSONlab 1.1 published under BSD-License and GPLv3 Used icon-set ------------- fatcow-hosting-icons-3.9.2, License:, Provided by: