Source code for papi.plugin.base_classes.base_visual

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Copyright (C) 2014 Technische Universität Berlin,
Fakultät IV - Elektrotechnik und Informatik,
Fachgebiet Regelungssysteme,
Einsteinufer 17, D-10587 Berlin, Germany

This file is part of PaPI.

PaPI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

PaPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with PaPI.  If not, see <>.

Stefan Ruppin

import re
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMdiSubWindow, QMenu, QAction
from PyQt5.QtCore    import QPoint
from papi.plugin.base_classes.base_plugin import base_plugin
from papi.constants import PLUGIN_VIP_IDENTIFIER
from papi.plugin.base_classes.ParameterWindow import ParameterWindow
from papi.gui.default.CreatePluginDialog import CreatePluginDialog

from papi.plugin.base_classes.PaPISubWindow import PaPISubWindow

import collections

[docs]class base_visual(base_plugin): """ This class is used by all plugins which are not running in an own process. They are all executed the gui process. """ def __init__(self): super(base_visual, self).__init__() def _init_plugin(self, CoreQueue, pluginQueue, id, control_api, dpluginInfo = None,TabManger = None): """ Internal initialize function called by the PaPI framework; :param CoreQueue: Queue used to send messages to the Core. :param pluginQueue: Queue which is used by the PaPI framework to send messages to this plugins. :param id: The internal plugin ID. :param control_api: Access to the control_api provided by the PaPI framework. :param dpluginInfo: Meta information about this plugin. :param TabManger: The tab mananger. :return: """ super(base_visual, self)._papi_init() self._Core_event_queue__ = CoreQueue self.__plugin_queue__ = pluginQueue self.__id__ = id self.control_api = control_api self._dplugin_info = dpluginInfo self.TabManager = TabManger self.movable = True def _starting_sequence(self, config=None): """ Internal start function called by the PaPI framework; :param config: :return: """ self._config = config # -------------------------------- # get needed data from config size_re = re.compile(r'([0-9]+)') self.window_size = size_re.findall(self._config['size']['value']) self.window_pos = size_re.findall(self._config['position']['value']) self.window_name = self._config['name']['value'] #self._set_window_for_internal_usage(QMdiSubWindow()) self._set_window_for_internal_usage(PaPISubWindow()) return self._start_plugin_base() def _start_plugin_base(self): """ Needs to be implemented by plugin base class :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method") def _get_configuration_base(self): """ Returns the basic configuration for this plugin base. :return: """ config = collections.OrderedDict() config['size'] = { 'value': "(300,300)", 'regex': '\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', 'advanced' : 'Appearance', 'tooltip': 'Determine size: (height,width)' } config['position'] = { 'value': "(0,0)", 'regex': '\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)', 'advanced' : 'Appearance', 'tooltip': 'Determine position: (x,y)' } config['name'] = { 'value': 'VisualPlugin', 'tooltip': 'Used for window title', 'advanced': 'Appearance' } config['tab'] = { 'value': 'Tab', 'tooltip': 'Used for tabs', 'advanced' : 'Appearance', } config['maximized'] = { 'value' : '0', 'type' : 'bool', 'advanced' : 'Appearance', 'tooltip' : 'Set true to start plugin maximized', 'display_text' : 'Start maximized' } return config def _set_window_for_internal_usage(self, subwindow): """ This function will take a subwindow and will prepare all his call back function to work within PaPI It will also set the window reference for later use. :param subwindow :type subwindow: QMdiSubWindow :return: """ self._subWindow = subwindow self.original_resize_function = self._subWindow.resizeEvent self.original_move_function = self._subWindow.moveEvent self.original_mouse_move_function = self._subWindow.mouseMoveEvent self._subWindow.resizeEvent = self._window_resize self._subWindow.moveEvent = self._window_move self._subWindow.setWindowTitle(self.window_name) self._subWindow.resize(int(self.window_size[0]), int(self.window_size[1]))
[docs] def pl_set_widget_for_internal_usage(self, widget): """ Will take QWidget and will place it in the subwindow Gets called by plugin developer! :param widget: QWidget :type widget: QWidget :return: """ self._widget = widget self._subWindow.setWidget(self._widget)
def _window_move(self, event): """ New callback function for movement of a subwindow. Will do some PaPI specific tasks and then call the original subwindow callback function. :param event: :return: """ pos = self._subWindow.pos() x = pos.x() y = pos.y() self._config['position']['value'] = '(' + str(x) + ',' + str(y) + ')' self.original_move_function(event) def _window_resize(self, event): """ New callback function for resizing of a subwindow. Will do some PaPI specific tasks and then call the original subwindow callback function. :param event: :return: """ size = event.size() w = size.width() h = size.height() isMaximized = self._get_sub_window().isMaximized() if isMaximized: self._config['maximized']['value'] = '1' else: self._config['maximized']['value'] = '0' self._config['size']['value'] = '(' + str(w) + ',' + str(h) + ')' self.original_resize_function(event) def _window_mouse_move(self, event): """ New callback function for mouse move of a subwindow. Will do some PaPI specific tasks and then call the original subwindow callback function. :param event: :return: """ if self.movable: self.original_mouse_move_function(event) def _get_sub_window(self): """ Getter method to get subwindow of plugin :return: QMdiSubWindow """ return self._subWindow
[docs] def pl_get_widget(self): """ Getter method to get widget of plugin :return: QWidget """ return self._widget
[docs] def pl_create_control_context_menu(self): """ This function will create the general PaPI Control context menu to be used in Plugins. :return: QMenu """ # Disable context menu if run mode is enabled! if self._subWindow.isInteractionAllowed() is False: return QMenu('Disabled!') ctrlMenu = QMenu("Control") del_action = QAction('Close plugin',self._widget) del_action.triggered.connect(self._ctrlMenu_exit) para_action = QAction('Parameter',self._widget) para_action.triggered.connect(self._ctrlMenu_Para) pause_action = QAction('Pause plugin',self._widget) pause_action.triggered.connect(self._ctrlMenu_pause) resume_action = QAction('Resume plugin',self._widget) resume_action.triggered.connect(self._ctrlMenu_resume) copy_action = QAction('Copy plugin',self._widget) copy_action.triggered.connect(self._ctrlMenu_copy) #subMenu_action = QAction('Open Signal Manager',self._widget) tabs = list(self.TabManager.get_tabs_by_uname().keys()) if len(tabs) > 1: tabMenu = ctrlMenu.addMenu('Move to tab') tab_entrys = [] for t in tabs: if t != self._config['tab']['value']: entry = QAction(t, self._widget) entry.triggered.connect(lambda ignore, p=t: self._tabMenu_move_triggered(p)) tab_entrys.append(entry) tabMenu.addAction(entry) #ctrlMenu.addAction(subMenu_action) ctrlMenu.addAction(para_action) ctrlMenu.addAction(copy_action) ctrlMenu.addAction(resume_action) ctrlMenu.addAction(pause_action) ctrlMenu.addAction(del_action) return ctrlMenu
def _tabMenu_move_triggered(self, item): """ This callback function gets called when the user clicked on the moveToTab action at the context menu. Will start the process of moving the plugin window to another tab :param item: TabName to be moved to :return: """ pos = self._subWindow.pos() posX = pos.x() posY = pos.y() if self.TabManager.moveFromTo(self._config['tab']['value'], item, self._subWindow, posX=posX, posY=posY): self._config['tab']['value'] = item def _ctrlMenu_Para(self): # Opens a small parameter menu for the plugin # get the parameter list Para_List = self.control_api.get_dparameter_of_plugin_from_data(self._dplugin_info.uname) if Para_List is not None: # open the parameter window win = ParameterWindow(self.pl_get_dplugin_info(), self.control_api, parent=self._widget, pl_win_name = self._subWindow.windowTitle(),) # move it slightly below the title bar of the subwindow win.move(self._subWindow.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,25))) # set size of the parameter table to max. 8 rows and at least 200, but max. widget.width() width if self._subWindow.width() > 200: w=(self._subWindow.width()) else: w=(200) fh = win.parameterTree.fontMetrics().height() if len(Para_List.keys()) > 8: h=(fh*9+fh+25) else: h=(fh*len(Para_List.keys())+fh+fh+25) win.resize(w,h) # show the window and load the parameter list win.show_paramters(Para_List) def _ctrlMenu_exit(self): """ Callback function for context menu for closing plugins :return: """ self.control_api.do_delete_plugin_uname(self._dplugin_info.uname) def _ctrlMenu_pause(self): """ Callback function for context menu for pausing plugins :return: """ self.control_api.do_pause_plugin_by_uname(self._dplugin_info.uname) def _ctrlMenu_resume(self): """ Callback function for context menu for resuming plugins :return: """ self.control_api.do_resume_plugin_by_uname(self._dplugin_info.uname) def _ctrlMenu_copy(self): """ Callback function for context menu for copying plugins :return: """ dplugin = self.control_api.get_dplugin_by_uname(self._dplugin_info.uname) dplugin.startup_config = self.pl_get_current_config() plugin_create_dialog = CreatePluginDialog(self.control_api, self.TabManager, parent=self._widget) plugin_create_dialog.set_dplugin(dplugin, self._get_startup_configuration(), self._get_type()) # self.control_api.do_resume_plugin_by_uname(self._dplugin_info.uname)
[docs] def cb_new_parameter_info(self, dparameter_object): """ Will be called to notify a plugin that a new parameter subscription was done and will give information about the init values :param dparameter_object: DParameter :return: """ pass
