Source code for papi.plugin.base_classes.base_ownProcess

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Copyright (C) 2014 Technische Universität Berlin,
Fakultät IV - Elektrotechnik und Informatik,
Fachgebiet Regelungssysteme,
Einsteinufer 17, D-10587 Berlin, Germany
This file is part of PaPI.
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
PaPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with PaPI.  If not, see <>.
<Stefan Ruppin

from papi.plugin.base_classes.base_plugin import base_plugin
import papi.event as Event

[docs]class base_ownProcess(base_plugin): """ This plugin base should be used by a plugin if should run in an own process. It is not possible to create a widget which is displayed in the graphical interface of PaPI. """ def _work_process(self, CoreQueue, pluginQueue, id, defaultEventTriggered=False, config=None, autostart=True): """ This is the main working function of plugins running in their own process. :param CoreQueue: multiprocessing queue of core for plugin to send data :param pluginQueue: multiprocessing queue for plugin to receive data :param id: Plugin id :param defaultEventTriggered: event mode :param config: Pluign intial cfg :param autostart: Should plugin start immediately after call? :return: """ # set queues and id and remember them self._Core_event_queue__ = CoreQueue self.__plugin_queue__ = pluginQueue self.__id__ = id self.__EventTriggered = defaultEventTriggered self.__user_event_triggered = 'default' self.__paused = False # initialize the base class and all objects self._papi_init() # working should go at least one time/cycle self.__goOn = 1 # plugin will start so it is not stopped yet self.__plugin_stopped = False # will check if plugin shall be started immediately after creation if autostart is True: # call _start_plugin_base function to use developers init self._starting_sequence(config) else: self.__plugin_stopped = True # main working loop while self.__goOn: # check event trigger mode self._evaluate_event_trigger(defaultEventTriggered) # Check for new event in plugin queue event = None try: # do blocked checking of queue if: # plugin is paused or # plugin is stopped or # plugin mode is event triggered event = self.__plugin_queue__.get( self.__paused or self.__EventTriggered or self.__plugin_stopped) except: # no new event event = None # there is a new event if event is not None: op = event.get_event_operation() # plugin shall stop operation if op=='stop_plugin' : self.cb_quit() if event.delete is True: # delete plugin, so work_progress will stop completely self.__goOn = 0 event = Event.status.JoinRequest(self.__id__, 0, None) self._Core_event_queue__.put(event) else: # plugin should stop but is not getting deleted # response to core and rm_all_subs, blocks, paras self.__plugin_stopped = True event = Event.status.PluginStopped(self.__id__, 0, None) self._Core_event_queue__.put(event) # plugin should start again after it was stopped once if op=='start_plugin' and self.__plugin_stopped is True: # maybe new config? self._starting_sequence(config) self.__plugin_stopped = False # pause this plugin if op=='pause_plugin' and self.__paused is False and self.__plugin_stopped is False: self.__paused = True self.cb_pause() # resume this plugin if it was paused if op=='resume_plugin' and self.__paused is True and self.__plugin_stopped is False: self.__paused = False self.cb_resume() # answer the check alive call from the core if op=='check_alive_status': alive_event = Event.status.Alive(self.__id__, 0, None) self._Core_event_queue__.put(alive_event) # there is new data routed from the core to this plugin, maybe this data is a parameter change # check and process data according to type # The parameter type will appear when another plugin sends parameter updates to this plugin through a # parameter subscription if op=='new_data' and self.__paused is False and self.__plugin_stopped is False: opt = event.get_optional_parameter() if opt.is_parameter is False: data = self._demux(opt.data_source_id, opt.block_name, self.cb_execute(Data=data, block_name = opt.block_name, plugin_uname= event.source_plugin_uname) if opt.is_parameter is True: self._set_parameter_internal(opt.parameter_alias, # This case appears when a parameter gets changed through an api call e.g. in the overview menu if op == 'set_parameter' and self.__plugin_stopped is False: opt = event.get_optional_parameter() self._set_parameter_internal(opt.parameter_alias, # process a update with meta information from the core if op == 'update_meta' and self.__plugin_stopped is False: opt = event.get_optional_parameter() self._update_plugin_meta(opt.plugin_object) else: # there was no new event if self.__paused or self.__EventTriggered or self.__plugin_stopped: pass else: # call the plugin cb_execute function if event mode allows it. self.cb_execute() def _starting_sequence(self, config): """ This is the starting point for the operation of a plugin. This function will start the plugin. Therefore it will call the setup function and will report the success of the start to the core by sending an event. :param config: :return: """ self._config = config if self._start_plugin_base(): # report start successfull event event = Event.status.StartSuccessfull(self.__id__, 0, None) self._Core_event_queue__.put(event) else: # init failed, so report it to core event = Event.status.StartFailed(self.__id__, 0, None) self._Core_event_queue__.put(event) # end plugin self.__goOn = 0 # sent join request to core event = Event.status.JoinRequest(self.__id__, 0, None) self._Core_event_queue__.put(event) def _start_plugin_base(self): """ Needs to be implemented by plugin base class :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method") def _evaluate_event_trigger(self,default): """ Will evaluate the event trigger mode and set it to the needed value :param default: :return: """ if self.__user_event_triggered == 'default': self.__EventTriggered = default if self.__user_event_triggered is True: self.__EventTriggered = True if self.__user_event_triggered is False: self.__EventTriggered = False
[docs] def pl_set_event_trigger_mode(self, mode): """ Enables the plugin developer to set the event_trigger_mode. This meas that when set to TRUE, the plugin is set to be event triggered which means that the cb_execute function will only be called when a new event (newData) arrives. default will mean the default value for the specific plugin type. :param mode: True, False, or 'default' :return: """ if mode is True or mode is False or mode == 'default': self.__user_event_triggered = mode
