Source code for papi.gui.plugin_api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Copyright (C) 2014 Technische Universität Berlin,
Fakultät IV - Elektrotechnik und Informatik,
Fachgebiet Regelungssysteme,
Einsteinufer 17, D-10587 Berlin, Germany

This file is part of PaPI.

PaPI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

PaPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with PaPI.  If not, see <>.

Stefan Ruppin

import papi.event as Event

from import DOptionalData
from papi.ConsoleLog import ConsoleLog

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from papi.gui.gui_api import Gui_api

import papi.error_codes as ERROR

import datetime
import time

import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET

[docs]class Plugin_api(QtCore.QObject): # resize_gui = QtCore.Signal(int, int) def __init__(self, gui_data, core_queue, gui_id, PLUGIN_API_IDENTIFIER, tabManager = None): super(Plugin_api, self).__init__() self.__default_api = Gui_api(gui_data, core_queue, gui_id, PLUGIN_API_IDENTIFIER, TabManager=tabManager)
[docs] def do_create_plugin(self, plugin_identifier, uname, config={}, autostart = True): """ Something like a callback function for gui triggered events e.a. when a user wants to create a new plugin. :param plugin_identifier: plugin to create :type plugin_identifier: basestring :param uname: uniqe name to set for new plugin :type uname: basestring :param config: additional configuration for creation :type config: :return: """ self.__default_api.do_create_plugin(plugin_identifier,uname,config,autostart)
[docs] def do_subscribe_uname(self,subscriber_uname,source_uname,block_name, signals=None, sub_alias = None): """ Something like a callback function for gui triggered events. In this case, user wants one plugin to subscribe another :param subscriber_uname: Plugin uname of plugin which should get the data :type subscriber_uname: basestring :param source_uname: plugin uname of plugin that should send the data :type source_uname: basestring :param block_name: name of block to subscribe :type block_name: basestring :return: """ self.__default_api.do_subscribe_uname(subscriber_uname, source_uname, block_name, signals, sub_alias)
[docs] def do_set_parameter_uname(self, plugin_uname, parameter_name, value): """ Something like a callback function for gui triggered events. User wants to change a parameter of a plugin :param plugin_uname: name of plugin which owns the parameter :type plugin_uname: basestring :param parameter_name: name of parameter to change :type parameter_name: basestring :param value: new parameter value to set :type value: """ self.__default_api.do_set_parameter_uname(plugin_uname, parameter_name, value)
[docs] def do_load_xml(self, path): self.__default_api.do_load_xml(path)
[docs] def do_delete_plugin_uname(self, uname): """ Delete plugin with given uname. :param uname: Plugin uname to delete :type uname: basestring :return: """ self.__default_api.do_delete_plugin_uname(uname)
[docs] def do_set_parameter(self, plugin_id, parameter_name, value): """ Something like a callback function for gui triggered events. User wants to change a parameter of a plugin :param plugin_id: id of plugin which owns the parameter :type plugin_id: int :param parameter_name: name of parameter to change :type parameter_name: basestring :param value: new parameter value to set :type value: """ self.__default_api.do_set_parameter(plugin_id,parameter_name,value)
[docs] def do_update_parameter(self, plugin_id, parameter_name, value): """ Something like a callback function for gui triggered events. User wants to update a parameter in the gui. Used by a owner of a plugin to inform the gui that a parameter was internally changed. :param plugin_id: id of plugin which owns the parameter :type plugin_id: int :param parameter_name: name of parameter to change :type parameter_name: basestring :param value: new parameter value to set :type value: """ self.__default_api.do_set_parameter(plugin_id,parameter_name,value, only_db_update=True)
[docs] def do_resume_plugin_by_uname(self, plugin_uname): """ Something like a callback function for gui triggered events. User wants to resume a plugin, so this method will send an event to core. :param plugin_uname: uname of plugin to resume :type plugin_uname: basestring """ self.__default_api.do_resume_plugin_by_uname(plugin_uname)
[docs] def do_pause_plugin_by_uname(self, plugin_uname): """ Something like a callback function for gui triggered events. User wants to pause a plugin, so this method will send an event to core. :param plugin_uname: uname of plugin to pause :type plugin_uname: basestring """ self.__default_api.do_pause_plugin_by_uname(plugin_uname)
[docs] def do_set_tab_active_by_name(self, tabName): self.__default_api.do_set_tab_active_by_name(tabName)
[docs] def get_all_plugins(self): return self.__default_api.gui_data.get_all_plugins()
[docs] def get_dplugin_by_uname(self, name): return self.__default_api.gui_data.get_dplugin_by_uname(name)
[docs] def get_dparameter_of_plugin_from_data(self, plugin_uname): if plugin_uname is not None and plugin_uname != '': dplugin = self.__default_api.gui_data.get_dplugin_by_uname(plugin_uname) if dplugin is not None: return dplugin.get_parameters() return None
[docs] def do_change_string_to_be_uname(self, name): return self.__default_api.do_change_string_to_be_uname(name)
[docs] def change_uname_to_uniqe(self, name): return self.__default_api.change_uname_to_uniqe(name)
[docs] def do_test_name_to_be_unique(self, name): return self.__default_api.do_test_name_to_be_unique(name)
