Source code for papi.gui.default.CreatePluginDialog

# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-

Copyright (C) 2014 Technische Universität Berlin,
Fakultät IV - Elektrotechnik und Informatik,
Fachgebiet Regelungssysteme,
Einsteinufer 17, D-10587 Berlin, Germany

This file is part of PaPI.

PaPI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

PaPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with PaPI.  If not, see <>.

Sven Knuth

import operator

from PyQt5.QtGui import QRegExpValidator
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QLineEdit, QCheckBox, QComboBox, QFormLayout, QVBoxLayout, QWidget
from PyQt5.QtCore import *

from papi.ui.gui.default.PluginCreateDialog import Ui_CreatePluginDialog
from papi.gui.default.custom import FileLineEdit, ColorLineEdit

from papi.constants import GUI_DEFAULT_TAB
import papi.constants as pc

import collections

[docs]class CreatePluginDialog(QDialog, Ui_CreatePluginDialog): """ This class create a dialog which enable an user to modify the default configuration of a plugin. """ def __init__(self, gui_api, tab_manager, parent=None): """ Constructor of this class. 'gui_api' is used to access the GUI data storage 'DGUI' and for creating the plugin. 'TabManager' access to the tab manager is needed because it provides the information about all used tabs. :param gui_api: api of the GUI :param tab_manager: Object which manages the tabs :param parent: :return: """ super(CreatePluginDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.cfg = None self.configuration_inputs = {} self.gui_api = gui_api self.tab_manager = tab_manager self.advancedForms = {}
[docs] def set_plugin(self, plugin_info): """ This function must be called before the dialog is shown. :param plugin_info: The plugin info object provided by yapsy. :return: """ startup_config = plugin_info.plugin_object._get_startup_configuration() self.cfg = startup_config self.plugin_name = self.plugin_type = plugin_info.plugin_object._get_type() self.cfg['uname'] = {} self.cfg['uname']['value'] = ''
[docs] def set_dplugin(self, dplugin, startup_config, type): """ Additionally to set_plugin it is also possible to provide a DPlugin object. This feature is used by copy a currently running plugin. The 'type' of the plugin must be provided. :param dplugin: Data object which describes the running plugin. :param startup_config: Configuration used at startup. Contains user modification by the user. :param type: :return: """ self.plugin_name = dplugin.plugin_identifier self.plugin_type = type plugin_cfg = dplugin.startup_config for key in plugin_cfg.keys(): if key in startup_config: startup_config[key]['value'] = plugin_cfg[key]['value'] self.cfg = startup_config self.cfg['uname'] = {} self.cfg['uname']['value'] = ''
[docs] def accept(self): """ This function is called when the user accepts the current modification and wants to create the plugin. :return: """ config = self.cfg for attr in self.configuration_inputs: if isinstance(self.configuration_inputs[attr], QCheckBox): if self.configuration_inputs[attr].isChecked(): config[attr]['value'] = '1' else: config[attr]['value'] = '0' if isinstance(self.configuration_inputs[attr], QLineEdit): config[attr]['value'] = self.configuration_inputs[attr].text() if isinstance(self.configuration_inputs[attr], ColorLineEdit): config[attr]['value'] = self.configuration_inputs[attr].text() if isinstance(self.configuration_inputs[attr], QComboBox): config[attr]['value'] = self.configuration_inputs[attr].currentText() if not self.gui_api.do_test_name_to_be_unique(config['uname']['value']): self.configuration_inputs['uname'].setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { border : 2px solid red;}") self.configuration_inputs['uname'].setFocus() return self.done(0) autostart = True if self.plugin_type == pc.PLUGIN_IOP_IDENTIFIER or self.plugin_type == pc.PLUGIN_DPP_IDENTIFIER: autostart = self.autostartBox.isChecked() self.gui_api.do_create_plugin(self.plugin_name, config['uname']['value'], config=config, autostart=autostart)
[docs] def reject(self): """ This function is called when the user closes the dialog without creating a plugin. :return: """ self.done(-1)
[docs] def showEvent(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This function is called before the dialog is displayed. :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ startup_config = self.cfg for form in self.advancedForms: self.clear_layout(self.advancedForms[form]) self.configuration_inputs.clear() self.setWindowTitle("Create Plugin " + self.plugin_name) position = 0 if 'uname' in startup_config.keys(): value = startup_config['uname']['value'] display_text = 'Unique name' if 'display_text' in startup_config['uname'].keys(): display_text = startup_config['uname']['display_text'] uname = self.gui_api.do_change_string_to_be_uname(self.plugin_name) uname = self.gui_api.change_uname_to_uniqe(uname) editable_field = QLineEdit(str(value)) editable_field.setText(uname) editable_field.setObjectName('uname' + "_line_edit") editable_field.setToolTip('Name as identifier in PaPI. Must be UNIQUE') form_name = 'PaPI -mandatory' if form_name not in self.advancedForms: self.advancedForms[form_name] = QFormLayout() tab_widget = QWidget() self.tabWidget.addTab(tab_widget, form_name) vlayout = QVBoxLayout(tab_widget) vlayout.addLayout(self.advancedForms[form_name]) self.advancedForms[form_name].addRow(str(display_text), editable_field) self.configuration_inputs['uname'] = editable_field position += 1 startup_config_sorted = startup_config.items() if not isinstance(startup_config, collections.OrderedDict): startup_config_sorted = sorted(startup_config.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) for attr in startup_config_sorted: attr = attr[0] if attr != 'uname': value = startup_config[attr]['value'] display_text = attr if 'display_text' in startup_config[attr].keys(): display_text = startup_config[attr]['display_text'] # ------------------------------- # Check for datatype # ------------------------------- editable_field = None if attr != 'tab': if 'type' in startup_config[attr]: parameter_type = startup_config[attr]['type'] if parameter_type == 'bool': editable_field = QCheckBox() if value == '1': editable_field.setChecked(True) else: editable_field.setChecked(False) if parameter_type == 'file': editable_field = FileLineEdit() editable_field.setReadOnly(True) editable_field.setText(value) if parameter_type == 'color': editable_field = ColorLineEdit() editable_field.set_default_color(startup_config[attr]['value']) # # editable_field.setText(value) else: editable_field = QLineEdit() editable_field.setText(str(value)) editable_field.setObjectName(attr + "_line_edit") # ------------------------------- # Check for regex description # ------------------------------- if 'regex' in startup_config[attr]: regex = startup_config[attr]['regex'] rx = QRegExp(regex) validator = QRegExpValidator(rx, self) editable_field.setValidator(validator) else: editable_field = QComboBox() tabs = list(self.tab_manager.get_tabs_by_uname().keys()) if len(tabs) == 0: tabs = [GUI_DEFAULT_TAB] tabs.sort(key=str.lower) editable_field.addItems(tabs) editable_field.setObjectName('Tab' + "_comboBox") # ------------------------------- # Divided in advanced or simple option # ------------------------------- if 'advanced' in startup_config[attr]: form_name = startup_config[attr]['advanced'] else: form_name = 'PaPI -mandatory' if form_name in ['0', 0]: form_name = 'PaPI -mandatory' if form_name == '1': form_name = 'Advanced' if form_name not in self.advancedForms: self.advancedForms[form_name] = QFormLayout() tab_widget = QWidget() self.tabWidget.addTab(tab_widget, form_name) vlayout = QVBoxLayout(tab_widget) vlayout.addLayout(self.advancedForms[form_name]) self.advancedForms[form_name].addRow(str(display_text), editable_field) if 'tooltip' in startup_config[attr]: editable_field.setToolTip(startup_config[attr]['tooltip']) self.configuration_inputs[attr] = editable_field position += 1
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ Default callback function which is called when an any key was pressed by the user. :param event: :return: """ if event.key() == Qt.Key_Return or event.key() == Qt.Key_Enter: self.accept() if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: self.close()
[docs] def clear_layout(self, layout): """ This function is called to remove all elements within a tab. It is called in showEvent. :param layout: :return: """ while layout.count(): child = layout.takeAt(0) if child.widget() is not None: child.widget().deleteLater() elif child.layout() is not None: self.clear_layout(child.layout())
